Friday, July 6, 2007

The smell of coffee beans….and a verse of gauche words….I am drinking to my memoirs, with every gust that throws open the window.
And Since then it hasn’t stopped raining.
Poems don’t rhyme again. But the rain still has her rhythm. Even as she changes shape and takes sides, new patterns are born.. I stare at the colours , paste them in my scrap book. It has long been submerged in black and white.
Legends are forgotten. They travel far through the moon bathed roads. Lost in the darkness of our closed books through time..
And still it hasn’t stopped raining.
I close ‘The hungry Tide’ and stop the unchained Melodies. Because the rain splashes over them. I cannot get inside other people’s stories now.
I can make mine.
and I will try
and outside, my muse still soak my city in dreams.


Anonymous said...

hope you soon catch the sunshine for your own story..

keep writing.
lots of love and hugs

Anonymous said...

wish ..the rain never stops.. will make me come time and again to watch her paint with a brush dipped in rainbow

___________ !

rainbeau_peep said...

you write beautifully. do be more regular, and, though I know one's medium of expression is entirely personal, and you're probably just writing for yourself - but you should know that your prose is very, very powerful. far more than your poetry.

Rains,coffee and verse said...

thanks..:)iknow, but sometimes ,even prose doesnt come without purpose, a thing to see, inspiration, datachment. whatevet.something must be there.blankness encourages no prose.

eblue25 said...

some new posts are demanded..!!! don't keep your readers waiting !

eblue25 said...

there's so much of love in your love yourself a lot...that's the primary condition for writing love.